Gaspard Jankowiak's homepage

flag of France half flag of Austria, half flag of Germany

Curriculum Vitæ
  • Born on June 30, 1987 in Chambéry, France

Research interests

Non linear diffusion equations (fast diffusion equation), long time behaviour of parabolic equations and systems (Keller-Segel model for chemotaxis), functional inequalities, numerical analysis, modelling: biological membranes and crowd motion.

Education and research

2023- Postdoc, University of Graz (Austria), in the group of Kristan Bredies
2021-2023 Postdoc, University of Constance (Germany), in the group of Oliver Schnürer
2018-2021 Postdoc, RICAM Asymptotic flow-gradient structures for crowd motion. With Marie-Therese Wolfram
2015-2018 Postdoc, RICAM / University of Vienna (Austria),
Analysis and modelling of cell membranes with constrained curvature minimisation. With Christian Schmeiser
2014-2015 Postdoc, LMB - Université de Franche-Comté,
Multiscale finite element methods for the Stokes equation. With Alexei Lozinski
2010–2014 PhD in applied mathematics, Ceremade - Université Paris Dauphine,
Asymptotic study of non linear diffusion type PDEs and related functional inequalities. Supervisor: Jean Dolbeault
Defended on June 23, 2014. Defense committee: Dominique Bakry*, Francis Filbet*, Michael Loss*, François Bolley, Nassif Ghoussoub, Éric Séré, Jean Dolbeault
2010 Master’s thesis, Imperial College, Londres,
Large coherent structures in shear layer flows. Supervisor: X. Wu
2009-2010 Erasmus exchange, Imperial College, Londres
Summer 2009 Research project, LJK, Grenoble,
Numerical study of a eletrical impedance tomography model with acoustic perturbations. Supervisor: Éric Bonnetier
2007-2010 Master’s degree, Ensimag, Grenoble


  1. A. dall'Acqua , G. J. , L. Langer , F. Rupp
    Conservation, convergence, and computation for evolving heterogeneous elastic wires

    SIAM JMA | 2024 Vol. 56 (4) : 4494-4529 🌐 · arXiv · HAL

  2. A. Lozinski , G. J.
    Non-Conforming Multiscale Finite Element Method for Stokes Flows in Heterogeneous Media. Part II: error estimates for periodic microstructure

    DCDS-B | 2024 Vol. 29 (5) : 2298-2332 🌐 · arXiv · HTML · PDF

  3. C. Giverso , G. J. , L. Preziosi , C. Schmeiser
    The influence of nucleus mechanics in modelling adhesion-independent cell migration in structured and confined environments

    BMB | 2023 Vol. 85 (10) : 88 CC-BY · 🌐 · arXiv · HTML

  4. A. Iuorio , G. J. , P. Szmolyan , M.-T. Wolfram
    Canards in a bottleneck

    Physica D | 2023 Vol. 451 : 133768 🌐 · arXiv · HTML · PDF

  5. A. Iuorio , G. J. , P. Szmolyan , M.-T. Wolfram
    A PDE model for unidirectional flows: stationary profiles and asymptotic behaviour

    JMAA | 2022 Vol. 510 (2) : 126018 CC-BY · 🌐 · arXiv · HTML · HAL · PDF

  6. K. Brazda , G. J. , C. Schmeiser , U. Stefanelli
    Bifurcation of elastic curves with modulated stiffness

    EJAM | 2022 : 1-27 🌐 · arXiv · HTML · HAL · PDF

  7. M. Fischer , G. J. , M.-T. Wolfram
    Micro- and macroscopic modeling of crowding and pushing in corridors

    NHM | 2020 Vol. 15 (3) : 405-426 🌐 · arXiv · HTML · HAL · PDF

  8. G. J. , D. Peurichard , A. Reversat , C. Schmeiser , M. Sixt
    Modelling adhesion-independent cell migration

    M³AS | 2020 Vol. 30 (3) : 513-537 🌐 · arXiv · HTML · HAL · PDF

  9. G. J. , C. Taing , C. Poignard , A. Collin
    Comparison and calibration of different electroporation models - Application to rabbit livers experiments

    ESIAM: Procs | 2020 Vol. 67 : 242-260 🌐 · HAL · PDF

  10. J. Dolbeault , M.J. Esteban , G. J.
    Onofri inequalities and rigidity results

    DCDS | 2017 Vol. 37 (6) : 3059-3078 🌐 · arXiv · HTML · HAL · PDF

  11. J. Dolbeault , M.J. Esteban , G. J.
    The Moser-Trudinger-Onofri inequality

    CAM B | 2015 Vol. 36 (5) : 777–802 🌐 · arXiv · HTML · HAL · PDF

  12. J. Dolbeault , G. J.
    Sobolev and Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities

    JDE | 2014 Vol. 257 (6) : 1689-1720 🌐 · arXiv · HTML · HAL · PDF

  13. J. Dolbeault , G. J. , P.A. Markowich
    Stationary solutions of Keller-Segel type crowd motion and herding models: multiplicity and dynamical stability

    MEMOCS | 2015 Vol. 3 (3) : 211–242 🌐 · arXiv · HTML · HAL · PDF

Submitted articles

  1. G. Favre , L. Trussardi , G. J. , S. Merino
    Continuum modeling for opinion formation on a network

    submitted arXiv

  2. G. J. , V.H. Nguyen
    Fractional Sobolev and Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities

    submitted arXiv · HTML · HAL

Talks and visits

July 2024 MMEE 2024, Vienna
June 2024 Applied analysis seminar, Graz
December 2023 Inverse problèmes and mathematical imaging seminar, Graz
August 2021 SIMAI, Parma
February 2020 Séminaire IDP, Orléans
January 2020 PDE-MANS 2020, Granada
June 2019 DISMA seminar, Torino
April 2019 Maths-Bio work group, Marseille
January 2019 CSM seminar, Bordeaux
December 2018 Mamba meeting, Paris
August 2018 Cemracs: Parameter estimation in electroporation modelling, Luminy
June 2018 MB2 Conference, Besançon
January 2018 DK/SFB Winterschool, Reichenau (Austria)
July 2017 Workshop “Aggregation-Diffusion PDEs”, Anacapri (Italy)
May 2017 DK Seminar, University of Vienna
December 2016 Visitor at the Mittag-Leffler Institute, Stockholm
March 2016 Numerical analysis seminar, LMB, Besançon
April 2015 Kinetic Equations and Spectral Theory workshop, LMB, Besançon
January 2015 Analysis seminar at Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon
Decembre 2014 Seminar at the University of Basque Country, Bilbao
September 2014 PDEs seminar at LMB
July 2014 “Entropy Methods, PDEs, Functional Inequalities, and Applications” week, Banff, Sobolev and Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities
January 2014 PhD students workgroup, Ceremade, Inégalités de Sobolev et Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev
July 2013 Guest visitor in DIM - Universidad de Chile, Santiago
May 2013 SMAI congress, Seignosse, Stationary solutions for two crowd motion models: multiplicity and dynamic stability
September 2012 Applied PDEs in Life Sciences, Barcelona, poster

Parental duties

Sept. → Dec. 2019: Parental leave, 1st child  
May → Sept. 2021: Parental leave, 2nd child  

Misc. communications

April 2018 Introduction to Jekyll [slides]
April 2015 LMB’s young researchers day : Tribulations d’un docteur en Doctorie [slides]


2010-2014 Université Paris Dauphine, Paris. Over 250 hours in linear algebra, calculus, numerical optimisation in 2nd and 3rd year.


  • French : Mother tongue
  • English : Fluent
  • Spanish : Intermediate
  • Italian : Intermediate
  • German : Intermediate


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