Gaspard Jankowiak's homepage

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Research fellow at the University of Graz

src Currently, I am a postdoc at the University of Graz in the group of Kristan Bredies. I work on designing and analyzing models in the context of crowd motion and cell biology, including membranes of crawling lymphocytes. In the case I study more specifically, this leads to gradient-flows which govern the evolution of rheologically nonhomogeneous curves on the plane. More generally, I am also interested in analysis of non linear PDEs, of drift-diffusion type in particular, just like the Keller and Segel model for chemotaxis. This also leads me to study some related functional inequalities.


  • Modelling: biological membranes and crowd motion
  • Asymptotic behaviour for non linear diffusion
  • Mean-field models - Keller-Segel-type systems
  • Sharp functional inequalities
  • Numerical analysis
  • Some geometric analysis

Visits & conferences

  • July 2024, University of Vienna
  • April 2024, University of Vienna
  • August 2018, Cemracs: Parameter estimation in electroporation modelling – Luminy
  • Nov.-Dec. 2016, visitor at the Mittag-Leffler Institute – Stockholm
  • July 2013, visitor at DIM (Universitad de Chile) – Santiago


  • July 2024, MMEE 2024, Vienna
  • June 2024, Applied analysis seminar, Graz
  • December 2023, Inverse problèmes and mathematical imaging seminar, Graz
  • August 2021, SIMAI, Parma (online)
  • February 2020, Séminaire IDP, Orléans
  • January 2020, PDE-MANS 2020, Granada
  • June 2019, DISMA seminar, Torino
  • April 2019, Maths-Bio work group, Marseille
  • January 2019, CSM seminar, Bordeaux
  • December 2018, Mamba meeting, Paris
  • June 2018, MB2 Conference, Besançon
  • January 2018, DK/SFB Winterschool, Reichenau (Austria)
  • July 2017, Workshop “Aggregation-Diffusion PDEs”, Anacapri (Italy)
  • May 2017, DK Seminar, University of Vienna
  • March 2016, Numerical analysis seminar, LMB, Besançon
  • April 2015, Kinetic Equations and Spectral Theory workshop, LMB, Besançon
  • January 2015, Analysis seminar at Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon
  • Decembre 2014, Seminar at the University of Basque Country, Bilbao
  • September 2014, PDE seminar at LMB
  • June 2014, “Entropy, PDEs and functional inequalities” week, BIRS, Banff (video + slides)
  • January 2014, Inégalités de Sobolev et Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev, PhD students meeting – Ceremade (slides, french)
  • May 2013, Solutions stationnaires pour deux modèles de mouvement de foule : multiplicité et stabilité dynamique, SMAI 2013 Convention – Seignosse (slides)


  • September 2012, Study of two crowd motion and herding models Applieds PDEs for Life Sciences – Barcelona (pdf|source)

PhD thesis

Asymptotic study of non linear diffusion type PDEs and related functional inequalities (TEL)

Supervisor: Jean Dolbeault. Written within Ceremade, and defended on June 23, 2014.


Gaspard Jankowiak
+43 316 380 5184

Department of Mathematics and Scientific Computing
University of Graz
Heinrichstraße 36
A-8010 Graz
bus from train station (click ‘Search’)

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